Participation in Amazon Associates Programs is proud to participate in various Amazon Associates Programs. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. This includes the following programs.
The Amazon Services LLC Associates Program
The Amazon Services LLC Associates Program was designed to allow participators such as to earn certain fees when we link to The guidelines and fee payments also apply to other Amazon affiliated sites., Inc. Associates Program
The, Inc. Associates Program is a marketing program. The structure allows marketing fees to be paid to participants who advertise items and link to is a proud participant in this program.
Amazon EU Associates Programme also takes part in the Amazon EU Associates Programme. All participants in this programme are paid fees when they advertise on their sites and then link to:
- fr
- it
- es
What does this mean?
Throughout this website’s featured products and content you’ll see links. Some of these links lead to pages on the Amazon websites mentioned above and therefore they’re called affiliate links.
Because of’s participation in these programs the company is eligible to receive payment. This happens when:
- Users click on these links to reach one of Amazon’s websites
- A user purchases a product after following a link
- A user subscribes to a service thanks to using one of these links
Because the website is the vehicle through which Amazon gains more visitors, it pays the company a nominal fee for this service.
The payment to is called a commission. Note that it doesn’t require any additional payment from the site visitors that use these links. Therefore you won’t necessarily pay more for a product or service simply because you use these links to reach an Amazon site.
Help Us Improve the Website
We strive to maintain a quality website for your enjoyment. That means we need to revise the content continuously so we stay on top of the trends you love and showcase the products you need. But all changes must be made within certain guidelines and occasionally we may make mistakes.
Part of our responsibilities as an Amazon affiliate is adhering to the strict guidelines Amazon requires from all participants. This includes clear communication about our Amazon affiliation no matter where the link is placed. It must be in plain view and you must have easy access to the affiliation information.
If you discover that we neglect to do so on any of our pages, won’t you be so kind to let us know? Contact us through any of the mediums listed on our website.
Do You Have Questions? wants you to feel comfortable using any and all the information we display. If you have any queries regarding our affiliation with Amazon you’re welcome to contact us.